New Life In The Balance Lane blog takes the pain out of living
Released on: June 8, 2008, 10:34 pm
Press Release Author: Peter G. Norback / Life In The Balance Lane
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: Writer Peter G. Norback says he is genetically programmed to detest suffering so on his blog Life In The Balance Lane he offers creative, practical-and of course-painless solutions to help readers manage life's dilemmas and distractions.
Press Release Body: Tucson, AZ - Peter G. Norback has been engaged in two major activities throughout his life: Writing and helping people live better and more balanced lives. He recently combined his two passions into a blog titled Life In The Balance Lane ( ). In weekly postings Norback talks about things that confront each of us in our daily lives and ways to fix those things. In an article called "This is a fine mess you've gotten yourself into," he discusses the subprime foreclosure mess and ways to regain control.
To get the reader in the right frame of mind, each article has a section called Smart Remark. In the foreclosure post, Norback relates a quick story about President Truman. A young reporter asked Harry Truman about what he did all day as president. Truman said he made decisions. The reporter then asked, "What happens if you are wrong?" Truman replied, "I make another decision."
"The crux of the article," said Norback, "is to start making decisions to simplify your life now instead of later when your world comes crashing down around you."
Another post discusses an equally difficult subject-depression. This article is autobiographical because Norback was depressed earlier in his life and eventually discovered a unique way to eliminate depression all together. In "Get Physical-and mental-with depression," Norback talks about buying a guitar and playing his way out of depression by practicing 6 hours a day, 7 days a week for just two weeks. He calls the depression cure a mental/physical technique.
The humor in this piece is in the telling. "I spent the first two years after college in the mid 1960s using my enthusiasm to get hired and my lack of experience to get fired. My self-esteem took a dive since this was the first time in my life I had faced failure on a consistent basis.
"I didn't know what to do but I was consciously looking for something to get me out of this awful situation. Then I was drafted into the Army. I wasn't looking for that solution, but I thought Vietnam might be better than my current dilemma.".
Norback has counseled Traumatic Brain Injury people using the mental/physical technique with measurable success. The basketball dribbling story Norback tells about one client is a hoot.
At the end of each post Norback asks if you need help and if so send an email and he will try to point you in the right direction. The Life in the Balance Lane blog focuses on making living more enjoyable and this is not new. What is new is the approach to the subject matter. It's grab those boot straps and pull and while you are at it.chuckle.
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